Fuck off you fuck your violent threats 
Your attempts to control the nation 
Fuck off you fucked up facist cunt, 
Understand the situation 
Back off you slimy worthless prick, 
You ain't got a clue what you are facing 
Eat bricks you het up bastard shits, 
Scabs; you’ll get what you are creating 
Who the fuck do you think you're pushing, 
"Stay in place or get it" 
I would think again to save your skin, 
Because if you come too close you'll fucking regret it 
You whine on all the hell you like, 
Repeat your warnings of plastic bullets 
The gas, the batons, the water cannon 
The more you oppress the more we will resist 

Riots, there ain't been a riot, 
But one’s knocking at your door 
You have seen nothing yet but household pets 
But you'll soon feel the lion’s claws 
Proclaiming laws last victory, 
Of containing rebel shower 
When the time is right you'll get the fight 
That will totally test your power 
Inciting, provoking trouble that 
You know can easily be beaten 
To maintain the image that we need you, 
So thus re-confirm your position 
You might trick some you scheming scum, 
But you'll never get our obedience 
You can batter, beat us, even imprison us, 
Yet still you will never ever never defeat us 

Belfast...Brixton...Toxteth...Tottenham...St Paul’s...Handsworth... 
Reclaim the streets, reclaim the towns, reclaim the nation 

What revolution? This revolution, 
We all wanted a peaceful solution 
But this institution, that institution, 
Smashed all hope of getting through to them 
Confrontations, escalating violations of the law 
Repercussions of the mass destruction which in the end is sure 
To mean them pumping out the bullets, 
Their protection from the poor 
We will win because we have to; we ain't got nothing to loose no more 
And what they lose they undoubtedly will forfeit forever 
"They’ve got the guns, but we’ve got the numbers" 
And we give no apologies ever!